
We started a new project.  It’s a work in progress at this point and phase one is complete.  We cut the spines off of two copies of Allen’s book, Where the North Sea Touches Alabama.  Starting with the preface, we reassembled the pages into what will eventually be an accordion style book.  At this stage, we’re just playing with the materials and seeing what comes next.  I’m enjoying the collaboration.

Readings from the North Sea

I had the wonderful opportunity to contribute to this amazing project by Allen Shelton and Nathan M. Peracciny.  It’s a book trailer for Allen’s book, Where the North Sea Touches Alabama.  I also manage the blog, Soft Arcades which showcases the work of Allen Shelton.  Check it out.

Allen Shelton’s “Where the North Sea Touches Alabama” (On sale by University of Chicago Press: is a work of sociological fictocriticism that explores not only the author’s relationship to the artist but his physical, historical, and social relationship to northeastern Alabama, in rare style.

“In Christ there is no East or West, North or South, and the North Sea touches Alabama.” Part of the sermon by a Sand Mountain preacher, 1979.

This utterance by a preacher inexplicably came true when the dead artist Patrik Keim’s coffin may have been uncovered two hundred miles from where it was interned in an ancient beaver swamp in Alabama by dozer operator who quickly reburied the miraculous coffin. The artist Keim was obsessed by the North Sea.

The report of the investigation into the event is titled Where the North Sea Touches Alabama by Allen Shelton, University of Chicago Press, 2013. The fictocritical account is part memoir, part steam-punk theory, and a hard edged psychic materialist analysis of the possible return.

Book Trailer credits
Directed & Edited by Nathan Peracciny

Readings by:
Lesley Stern, author of The Smoking Book.
Michael Joyce, author of Foucault, in Winter, in the Linnaeus Garden.
Donna Haraway, author of A Cyborg Manifesto.
Kathleen Stewart, author of Ordinary Affects.

Special thanks to:
Anne Costello, Molly Jarboe, Lesley Stern, Michael Joyce, Donna Haraway, Kathleen Stewart, Ruah, Nadja, and Tyree Shelton.

Artistic contributions by:
Julian Montague, Molly Jarboe, and Patrik Keim’s archives.

Outliers: The Story of Success

Outliers: The Story of Success is an interesting read to be sure.  In it’s pages, Malcolm Gladwell presents numerous examples of remarkable individuals who have achieved great things in their lives.  He argues, “It is not the brightest who succeed.  Nor is success simply the sum of the decisions and efforts we make on our own behalf. It is, rather, a gift. Outliers are those who have been given opportunities — and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them.” He discusses some of the fascinating circumstances around the success of the Beatles, Bill Gates and Joe Flom, an extraordinary mergers-and-acquisition attorney who happens to be of Jewish descent, for example.  According to Gladwell, those circumstances are not limited to innate personal ability.  The timing within history of ones birth, their home environment growing up, and their cultural heritage are also major factors.

About half way through the book, however, I began to detect a blaring fault line leading me to put the book down and check out some reviews on line.  I typed “Women in Outliers” into Google search and discovered several links to articles like the one below.

Gender Elephant in the Gladwell’s Outlier Living Room

Sure enough, my suspicions were correct.  Not one single woman is discussed among the case studies of successful outliers.  NOT ONE!  It’s just strange!  And Gladwell makes no attempt to account for their conspicuous absence.  I continued reading the book anyway, however, because I did find it interesting and enjoyable.  As with his other books, like Tipping Point and Blink, in Outliers Gladwell exhibits an unquestionable ability to challenge many of our assumptions about everyday phenomena in a compelling way.  In the end, I still have to agree with the conclusion to the article above by Ellen Snortland. “Unless we stop squandering the talents of girls and women, we’re apt to destroy our own world from the very real dangers of gender imbalance.”
