Avocado & Lime Coleslaw – Recipe

I made this coleslaw to go along side a Mexican pork dish with a mole sauce and it was a lovely accompaniment.  I used a whole head of cabbage from the share, so there were plenty of leftovers.  They kept very well and I was able to serve them to guests as an horesdorve the next night too.  The avocado gives the dish a delightfully creamy texture, the cilantro and lime really compliment the zingy cabbage flavor and the red onion adds just the right accent for a finishing touch.

Avocado & Lime Coleslaw <CLICK

  • 4 cups chinese cabbage, shredded
  • 2 Tbsp red onion, minced (if desired)
  • 1 cup + 1 Tbsp. cilantro
  • 1/2 avocado
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1/2 Tbsp olive oil
  • water to thin dressing as needed
  • salt, pepper

Combine cabbage, red onion and 1 Tbsp of minced cilantro. Set aside.

Combine remaining ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Add water as needed. Toss with cabbage mixture with dressing and let refrigerate for at least 20 minutes.

Nancy J. Parisi’s Famous Beet Soup – Recipe

My friend Nancy sent me this scrumptious recipe for beet soup and I was able to use every bit of my beet supply and some carrots to boot.  As Nancy’s recipe suggests, I also added a potato to give the soup more texture.  This soup has three things going for it.  It’s delicious, it’s packed with iron and, as you can see from my photo below, it’s lovely to look at too.  The rich red color with little flecks of green from the fresh basil make a beautiful presentation.

Nancy is famous in Buffalo for many reasons.  First of all, she knows pretty much everyone.  Also, she’s a talented photographer.  And if that weren’t enough, she’s also been featured in several publications for her now famous annual Red Party and as a featured local chef.  I hope you enjoy her recipe as much as I did!

Beet Soup

This is meant to make several portions for 2, enough for 4, plenty to store for a few days.
Note that there are basics, and this can all be adjusted for ingredients that you have on hand.

– 3-5 beets, scrubbed, peeled, cubed into 1.5” cubes
– 1 bunch of leeks (5 or 6 that are 1.5” in diameter, trimmed at bottom of its little roots, and trimmed off where the green is turning darker – discard first layer of leek, slice ¼” wide, and clean well in a colander). If you don’t have leeks, use onions – red or sweet Vidalia. But truly any onion will do – you want about 2 c of onions but don’t fret if you’re short on onions, you want at least 1 c.
– ¼ c olive oil/butter/cooking oil on hand – or a combination of oil + butter.
– 1 quart prepared organic stock, flavor depending on your taste. Top choice is vegetable stock, second choice is chicken, third is beef. Each imparts a different flavor, all are good.
– Additional, available vegetables to add texture and flavor such as two large carrots, 1 large potato.)
– Fresh or dried basil, to taste, or approximately 1/8 c.
– Salt and pepper to taste.
– Garnish: plain yogurt or sour crème, approximately 2T/serving.

1. In the largest stock pot that you have (for ease of stirring, and stick-blending if you have a stick blender) melt ¼ cup olive oil or any other oil or butter that you have.

2. Add in chopped leeks or onions. Stir and cook until softened, about five minutes. I usually sprinkle a little salt and pepper on the onions.

3. Add in peeled and chopped beets. To facilitate cooking, chop the beets into approximately 1.5” squares. Cover pot to steam, stir occasionally, reducing heat to medium low or low. Slow cookin’ is good cookin’.

5. Add in your additional vegetables if you have them – carrots and potatoes. The carrots add to the sweetness (as will the basic), the potatoes firm up the texture, but are not necessary. In pureed soups anything goes … and is delicious.

6. Cover all and occasionally stir until the beets are very soft – test by sticking a butter knife through one.

7. Add in the stock and simmer for about 10 minutes.

8. Take the stock pot off the burner and let cool for a little bit. I use a stick blender to make this step easier. If you have a regular blender, ladle soup halfway up the blender and make sure that you use a towel over the blender as it’s still warm! Blend and pour back into the stock pot – repeat until all the soup has a velvety texture.

9. Add in finely-chopped fresh, or dried basil.

10. Place stock pot back onto burner and bring up the heat.

11. Add salt and pepper to taste. Soup may be served warm, or chilled first for at least one hour if it’s to be served chilled.

12. Before serving, garnish each serving with a generous dollop of plain yogurt or sour crème.

Zucchini Muffins – Recipe

I made these delicious zucchini muffins for a cookout at my friend Lisa’s house today.  This recipe is so good it almost makes me want MORE zucchinis.  Almost.  I definitely recommend adding the raisins and walnuts like the recipe suggests. Along with the cinnamon and nutmeg, they really enhance this sweet, hearty treat.

Zucchini Muffins Recipe <CLICK

3 cups grated fresh zucchini
2/3 cup melted unsalted butter
1 1/3 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons baking soda
Pinch salt
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup walnuts (optional)
1 cup raisins or dried cranberries (optional)


You don’t need a mixer for this recipe.

1 Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). In a large bowl combine the sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Stir in the grated zucchini and then the melted butter. Sprinkle the baking soda and salt over the zucchini mixture and mix in. In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Stir these dry ingredients into the zucchini mixture. Stir in walnuts, raisins or cranberries if using.

2 Coat each muffin cup in your muffin pan with a little butter or vegetable oil spray. Use a spoon to distribute the muffin dough equally among the cups, filling the cups up completely. Bake on the middle rack until muffins are golden brown, and the top of the muffins bounce back when you press on them, about 25 to 30 minutes. Test with a long toothpick or a thin bamboo skewer to make sure the center of the muffins are done. Set on wire rack to cool for 5 minutes. Remove muffins from the tin let cool another 20 minutes.

Note, if you are including walnuts and dried fruit, you will likely have more batter than is needed for 12 muffins.